Research Themes

  • Mitigation and rehabilitation

    The initial remark is that rehabilitation is in fact part of mitigation, and innovation should also be included in the themes title, as it is interlinked and crucial to mitigation.

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  • Education

    Stakeholder awareness and education

    The group cautioned that however we imagine or understand communities, there will still be divisions within that. Thus, we need to pay attention to a range of socio-economic demographics…

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  • Policy and Law

    Policy and law

    Regarding the issue of policies and laws on the management of mine dust, it is important to note that we are not in a situation where these issues exist in a policy and legal vacuum…

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  • Monitoring & Meaurement

    Monitoring and measurement

    For the discussion about exactly what monitoring and measuring entails one needs to investigate purpose – Why do we monitor and measure and What is the end goal?

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  • Exposure and health effects

    Firstly, different impacts should be identified, characterised and quantified, such as the impacts to humans (health), environments and animals

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